Department of Health

The Royal Commission recommended the implementation of new suicide prevention and response programs, services and supports.

This includes training for workers that support people experiencing suicidal behaviour. For example, police officers, emergency department staff and family violence workers. The training will allow workers to provide more suitable and compassionate care.

Training for Victorians who work with communities was also recommended. This could include sports coaches, teachers and hospitality staff. The training would support them to develop their suicide awareness and prevention skills. Training should also include programs developed for and by Aboriginal communities and organisations.

The recommendation also called for more workplace suicide prevention and response programs and targeted initiatives to support people at risk of experiencing suicidal behaviour.

The Royal Commission identified a need for additional services and supports, including:

  • Aftercare programs for people who are experiencing suicidal behaviour or who have attempted suicide. These should include a specific aftercare service for the LGBTIQA+ community.
  • Training for front-line workers.
  • Training to support workforces and the community to support people experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviours. This should include services for, and delivered by, Aboriginal communities.
  • State-wide support for any person bereaved by suicide.
  • Improved supports for people experiencing psychological distress.

What are we doing?

Distress Brief Support

In partnership with the Commonwealth Government, we are developing a support program for adults who are experiencing distress. Originally modelled on Scotland’s Distress Brief Intervention, the program is called Distress Brief Support in Australia.

The Distress Brief Support (DBS) program is a short-term (two-three week), community-based approach that offers a compassionate, non-clinical response to adults who are in distress but are not in crisis and do not require emergency care. The program aims to help people address difficult circumstances in their lives and equip them with tools and skills to manage their distress.

The DBS program will provide two levels of support:

  • Community Engagement Point - staff who work in community engagement points will be trained to recognise signs of distress and provide an immediate compassionate response to someone experiencing distress. They will also offer a warm referral to the Short-term Support Service.
  • Short-term Support Service - non-clinical staff will provide person-centred and practical support for up to three weeks in a welcoming and inclusive environment to help the person navigate and begin to manage the drivers of their distress. The short-term support team will also support the person to establish connections with longer-term supports in the community.

We will pilot the DBS program in two locations, Darebin and Greater Shepparton. The selected provider in each location will work with local services and organisations, and people with lived experience of suicide to develop a program model that is tailored to the needs of the community

The DBS program will be trialled and evaluated in Victoria over three years.

LGBTIQA+ aftercare service

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer and other sexuality, gender and bodily diverse, and asexual (LGBTIQA+) people are disproportionately impacted by suicide in Australia.

Although many LGBTIQA+ people live healthy and happy lives, Victorian LGBTIQA+ community members are 20 times more likely to have considered suicide and 8 times more likely to have attempted suicide than the general population.

Aftercare refers to the care provided to people after a suicide attempt and is a critical part of suicide prevention. LGBTIQA+ people can experience a range of challenges following a suicide attempt, including barriers to accessing safe and inclusive care and support. We know that these communities need a tailored aftercare service to meet their needs.

The Victorian Government is developing a new aftercare service to support LGBTIQA+ people who are experiencing suicidal behaviour or after a suicide attempt. This service will be tailored to young people and adults, as recommended by the Royal Commission.

The Department of Health has partnered with Impact Co. to develop this service. Impact Co. is consulting with targeted LGBTIQA+ community members and selected service providers to help understand the needs of the community and where gaps exist, and to develop a draft model of care.

Mind Australia has been engaged to continue to deliver their existing LGBTIQA+ aftercare service on an interim basis. A tender process to select a service provider to deliver the new co-designed service will follow at a later stage.

Reviewed 26 September 2024

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